Darragh Wiseman

The weirdo and moron that is Darragh Wiseman isn’t averse to retrospectively and radically altering the contents of his CV

Darragh Wiseman’s Linkedin profile from a few months ago informs us that for 3-years he was a “Software developer” [sic] with “Microsoft”. And after that he spent a further three-years working as a “Technical trainer” [sic] for Dell.
It's surprising that this "highly educated and intelligent man" didn't bother to be grammatically correct when relating his qualifications and work experiences on a professional site such as Linkedin. I'd have thought that any Software Developer, or Technical Trainer, worth his or her salt, would have inserted the necessary capital letters when relating their job titles.

This is Wiseman’s current Linkedin profile and, believe it or not, he’s decided to stick in another period of employment. Lately, it seems, Darragh has recalled that he also spent 2-years working for QUMAS. To fit in his time with this “new” company he’s had to slice some time off his adventure as a Software Developer and Technical Trainer with Microsoft and Dell; he’s shortened the time he worked for each of these by 2-years.

Of course it’d be normal for a person who’s intelligent enough for Software developing to forget about a 2-year period they spent working for a company with a standout name like QUMAS.

This type of fatuity is indicative of the inbred shameless morons that saturates the entire social spectrum in south-west Ireland. They’d crap on the ground right in front of you, then stand and pull their trousers up, and, while the shits’ vapors curled up around their legs, they’d look you in the eye and deny having done it.

This is the Linkedin profile of one of Wiseman’s friends, Ian Spillane. Take note of Spillane’s obsequious and butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth countenance. He “teaches” in Cork College of Commerce and I suspect that’s it only in rural Ireland that a freak like Mr Spillane would get such employment. This chap posted a series of vile personal comments on Twitter that clearly makes sexualised reference to some of this college’s students. Outside of Ireland any teacher who published such vile and unethical personal views on a website would be fired on the spot.

With south-west Ireland being thoroughly backward Mr Spillane, who reeks of paedo-ism, can do pretty-much as he pleases. I suspect that Wiseman got his ideas about being a school teacher or a kids football coach from observing the free and easy hand Spillane has with children in and around Cork city. As Spillane says in one of his tweets: “I’ll go into the public toilet and they’ll come in just to be my friend.” Is he a vile sick bastard?

Ps, As far as I'm aware there are no chimpanzees registered on Linkedin. But if there were I'm sure Wiseman and them would have attracted each other.

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